Monday, 1 February 2016

Vulgar language on TV: Emmy Bezzina himself warns people who are about to call about his repercussions !!!

Perhaps fearful of repercussions from the Broadcasting Authority, TV presenter Emmy Bezzina on Thursday frequently warned his listeners that telephone calls aired during his programme Il-Parlament Tal-Poplu were being recorded and could possibly be traced.

His warning came after the announcement that the BA will be discussing the use of vulgar language during his programme, broadcast on Smash TV every Thursday. In the previous edition, there had been an exchange of insults with some callers.

During the previous programme, callers provoked the presenter by calling him names and, in return, the presenter did not hold back from telling them off in no uncertain way. One caller used vulgar language to which Dr Bezzina replied by comparing the caller to “onions marinated in mice dirt”. In another instance, a caller asked Dr Bezzina why did not enter politics, and was told by the host to ‘jump off Dingli Cliffs with a noose attached to your neck’.

Yesterday, Dr Bezzina made it clear to his viewers that the calls that the station was receiving were being “monitored by authorities” and that steps could be taken against those who abused.

It was also apparent that the station was employing stiffer control on the calls, as a few were cut off in mid-sentence during Thursday’s programme. The presenter also exercised caution in the language used, both during his monologues as well as when he was dealing with callers.

In his introduction, Dr Bezzina expressed satisfaction that he had been inundated with calls of solidarity and support after it was reported that the BA was to examine his program.

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