Hello Everyone!
Its my first blog of this time and I hope you enjoy reading this. I am Crista and I come from Malta (Sunny Malta actually!). Hmm what can I tell you about myself?
Im a sociable person, and fit in many social groups as I find it easy to make friends - in fact I am aiming to build a trusted relationship with my readers where one wont find himself/herself in an uncomfortable situation where they hold back from writing something. I am quite clumsy too! (oops). Quotes are a part of me - they simply fit in every situation that one may be passing through.. don't know if you agree or not?
I also have a dog Kelsey which I LOVE and adore to death! - here below find a photo of her sleeping :) - I guess I am going to stop writing about myself as I'll never stop then!
I am going to try and be a frequent blogger as I am a type of person that likes to express my thoughts, feelings and opinions as well as getting criticised for them in order to be a better expressive person so whoever will be reading this - do not hesitate to share your feedback and opinion too! :)
My Blog will be varied from normal daily topics to expressive topics where readers can engage themselves in a discussion in order to share different opinions between all participants. Also I might be posting even some easy recipes that one can try at home (hey obviously I do expect some kind of feedback whether you like it or not or what can be added to make it better! :P) - but it all depends on the mood that I will be on that day. I do quite rely on moods .. and I assume many of us relate to this - (correct me if not).
One last thing before concluding - this is directed to whoever might be reading this. Please do leave comments as these are really encouraging to me in order to continue blogging as well starting on a positive note! You can also leave feedback whether being positive or constructive feedback. Opinions are more than welcome and if any of you want to reach me by email, you can do so on: cristamysti@gmail.com
Looking forward to my second post!
Laters Bloggers :).
Good luck and looking forward to it !!