Monday, 25 January 2016


Hi everyone! How are you all doing?
This post is to tell you im Sorry for not being around these last two days! I have been really sick and its today that I can bear writing this post and standing the light in my eyes!

You see when a person is sick all perceptions about life and health changes! I can say I just experienced that... 3 days ago I was fine and all I had was a start of a small cough. Then I woke up on Saturday all dizzy and my cough worsened a lot during the night. During the day the pain in my head increased so much that I had no idea of what I was saying..or what was happening except that I just wanted to rip my head off.

To cut things short during my time resting at home I couldn't help but certain thoughts came up my mind. When we are all fine, we tend to take life for granted and maybe even take for granted the people around us.. But no one knows when its our last day here on Earth!

2 Days ago I was so much in pain that I thought I was going to die..and during that very moment I was like asking myself  questions like: "When did you last tell the people close to you that you love them?" "When was the last time you visited grandma?" "If You had to die, do you have any regrets?"

And that is what I am going to write about today. Sometimes we keep postponing not visiting our loved ones as we keep saying that they will be with us for another day... But in reality, what guarantee do we have that they will live till the next day?!

Ask yourself when was the last time that you visited your grandparents because you are too 'busy' with life? I myself do it because I am a really busy person but lets face it.. When will I visit my grandma? When she will not be with us anymore? No this is not the way of living! We should cherish our loved ones as if it is their last minute on Earth. In fact that is this year's resolution - to give more time to the people close to heart ... To my mother who raised me these last 23 years, to my grandma who is always ready to greet me with a smile, to my friends whom I dont see frequently as much as I like, to my loved ones to show them they are appreciated for being in my life and also to myself because only God knows when it was the last time that I truly gave some time for myself!

Is there someone that you haven't seen for so long? Or that you haven't talked in years? Go change this while you still have time on Earth. Be truly Yourself and hold your circle of friends, loved ones and family members close to your heart as they are the ones who will be there when the rest of the world bails out on you!

I hope I didnt bother you with my ranting but I just wanted to share with you my thoughts x


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